Greetings, from Boredlandia...the story of RockOFF!

Once upon a time, there was a loud blonde girl who lived in a small town full of people who preferred things to be whitewashed and devoid of color, quiet & “wholesome”

(though usually the wholesomeness was only superficial). A town of people who preferred not to hear any sounds (or people) above a whisper, and to see nothing out-of-the-ordinary that might cause them to remember feelings and moments of reality that they’d experienced. These people were so frightened of any idea that came from genuine thought or emotion, that they could instantly begin convulsing at the mere mention of something “different”, or some person that stood out.

It had been many years of trying to fit in and find acceptance from this strange group of pale minded folk, and one day, the blonde decided that she couldn’t take one more fucking second of it. sHE REALIZED THAT If she had to be dragged to SEE one more “awesome tribute band” at one more winery, or hear from one more person that Toby Keith is a “great song-writer” (I’m not kidding…and i don’t care if you’re offended that I WHOLE-HEARTEDLY DISAGREE), THAT SHE MIGHT ACTUALLY LOSE TOO MANY BRAINCELLS TO FUNcTION. iT WAS INTOLERABLE AND SHE DECIDED SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE.

sO OFF SHE WENT, IN SEARCH OF REAL THINGS - REAL MUSIC, REAL PEOPLE WITH REAL STORIES AND THOUGHTS. sHE SEARCHED EVERYWHERE. iT FELT LIKE NOT A SINGLE HUMAN WITH WHOM SHE’D BEEN FORCED TO ASSOCIATE IN THIS WHITE-WASHED TOWN KNEW OF ANYTHING LIKE WHAT SHE SOUGHT. The blonde had encountered these real things for which she sought, so she knew they existed - like when she was accepted into the roller derby tribe or somehow stumbled upon a rare tattoo artist or punk musician hiding in the ether. it was because of these chance meetings that she knew for sure these people existed. but where?

THEN, AFTER WHAT FELT LIKE A LIFETIME OF SEARCHING, the blonde had VERY NEARLY given UP UNTIL she was approached by a dude looking for punk kids to add to his ever-growing cult of bowling, punk-show-attending maniacs. he invited her into their secret lair - a local bbq joint that doubled as an underground music scene for bands not accepted as “listenable” by the general, small minded public (aka, not country, singer/songwriter, or tribute bands). well, the loud girl was looking for real…and shit got real. and loud!

the blonde was so astonished by this magical land that she somehow, ever so awkwardly managed to fit into. she couldn’t believe her eyes, or ears. there were bands playing the forbidden music! there was punk! and metal! and ska, oh my! and it was so loud and real and delicious! and there were humanoids dressed in non-standard humanoid attire! it was nearly unbelievable! and they spoke to her as though she was an acceptable human being, as though she was worthy of attention and respect that any human in a humanoid society ought to receive! no one cared if she was married or had reproduced enough to be deemed useful, or what part of the acceptable humanoid living districts she inhabited. they didn’t care how much money she made, or in which respectable, high ranking position she worked. she was just received and appreciated and accepted. weird.

it was this wonderful community of welcoming and real creators, thinkers, doers, and awesome goofs that inspired not only a number of bands the blonde would create or become a part of, but also a gigantic project that she would lovingly regard as her life’s work. this project was never a small idea, but began ever so humbly with a hyperactive blonde, small doses of sleep, $300, and a brave computer in a land with terrible internet connectivity. it has ebbs and flows, as any living breathing organism, but is growing steadily all the while. it aims to provide not only entertainment to the other half of society, but services, products, inclusion, and one day soon, a physical home for those same bands, musicians, friends, music and community that gave her an artistic home when she most needed it.

to learn more about the RockOFF! mission, services & community, CLICK HERE, sign up for our newsletter HERE, and please follow us on social media!


we excitedly invite you to be a part of the insanity and express the deepest gratitude for our rad community

humbly yours,

RhiVolver (aka, The Blonde)